Saturday, October 20, 2012

New Players /vg/ No nonsense guide to PS2

Welcome to Planetside 2, first thing you want to do is create a character,  join the New Conglomerate (yellow and blue color) on THEBE (NA) server or EUROTRASH server .  This is the official bro side and generally looks the best and has the best people to work with.  See Picture:

Certs are basically the "skill points" that you put into shit to unlock new weapons,  unlock abilities, and generally just do shit better.  What this means is you really want to save all your certs at the beginning until you figure out what roles or vehicles you like the best.  So just conserve them for now.

Next up is where you are at.  You are at the home base for your side, "warpgate" it has every vehicle spawn terminal and weapon terminals. 

Terminals are where you spawn vehicles at, or switch class (when not dead), and also the Infantry Gun Terminals can let you switch to MAX, which is a beastly mech form of infantry, usually specced to deal with one type of threat and a bit tougher to kill than normal infantry.  You can go up to any terminal and access any vehicle using E key.

Try changing your class, infiltrator = sniper with cloak, and heavy infantry = basic bread and butter infantry.

Now then, go grab a tank, look for the tank terminal outside, and spawn the main battle tank (the most expensive one).  This is the standard outdoor combat vehicle.  You should always try to be in a tank when starting off, as they are just dope, and you can kill lots of shit with them, and they are rather cheap.

Now then fuck around with moving around in one, the map isn't actually that large, so you can click M, and navigate your ass to a hotspot and start killing things, then spawn wherever and kill more shit.

Basically your starting objectives are:
Use Tank to kill shit in a battlefield, that you head to using M
Once that is over, start defending said base or attacking said base with the big zerg and try out different infantry classes.

INFANTRY GUIDE - kill shit, F for special powers, later on you can unlock Grind 2 win weapons/C4 and shit like that.

There you have it.  Save up a lot of certs (48) at least, and ask on /vg/ for advice based on what you like.

DO NOT TOUCH AIRCRAFT (they fucking suck ass, and are retarded to use at first)

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